This site is designed to provide a single point to access information, policies, data and resources for those interested in improving the health status of Aboriginal Men & Boys.



An Aboriginal Men's Health Implementation Plan was developed in partnership between NSW Health, the Aboriginal community controlled health sector and other relevant bodies and released in 2003, based on the principles of an earlier document, Moving Forward in Men's Health 1999, and to supplement the overall NSW Aboriginal Health Strategic Plan 1999.

The Implementation Plan was developed collaboratively by the AH&MRC, NSW Health, the NSW Department of Aboriginal Affairs, Corrections Health Service and NSW Aboriginal communities. This plan for improving the health of Aboriginal men is the first of its kind in Australia.

The key focus of the Implementation Plan is to make health services more accessible and appropriate to Aboriginal men by:

A copy of the Implementation Plan can be downloaded by clicking here.

A recommendation from the Implementation Plan was to place a designated Aboriginal Men's Health Project Officer in the AH&MRC. In 2004 the Project Officer was recruited. The Project Officer’s key role is to contribute to improving the health and well-being of Aboriginal men living in NSW by:

Activities during 2004 focused on:


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